At VPNforWhat, our dedicated team thoroughly researches and tests products before writing a review. Many VPN review websites are using AI to generate content at a faster pace than we do. We solely depend on human-generated content because we believe that machines can’t beat humans, especially when it comes to creativity.
A team of experts will discuss what we will be publishing next week. The chosen topics are then assigned to the subject specialists, who are given ample time to conduct research and testing before crafting content around the given topic.
Here are our principles regarding human-first content:
In today’s world of AI-driven content and images, it’s hard to identify the producer of the content.
Our mission at VPNforWhat is to secure everyone on the internet becasue we believe it’s a basic human right.
Every content on VPNforWhat is well-researched and reviewed by humans before getting published on our website. You can read more about us, team and core values we follow.